
Monday 18 June 2018

Garden To Table

We do Garden To Table. Garden to Table is when we grow food plants in the school garden and use the Oscar building to make food that we eat afterwards. Here I am helping Jan in the kitchen.

Basic Facts

We have been working on answering basic facts questions quickly and instantly.

I am at Stage 5.


We have been learning to form our letters correctly and to use capital letters in the correct place.
I am good at not getting distracted while writing.

I need to get better at making my writing neat and tidy.

Thursday 14 June 2018


This week we did fractions with Miss Toia and here is a lesson we did.

Friday 8 June 2018

Golf Lessons

We have been learning Golf.

I liked all of it.

I am good at doing big swings and launching them in the air.

I need to work on not hitting the ground when I swing .

Animal Town

This week we have used another picture as motivation for our writing. We had a
story starter and then we had to carry on the story.
What I like about my writing is that it's not full spech so it sounds good.
I need to improve on putting adjectives.

Here is my writing about Animal Town. “Shreek!” “hrri, I’m raaa I stick I stick bird year!” “sorr what what you rrrrwont to dorrr?” “rrrrrok it shreek! It not talkn it not talking! I tell sherrrek! Me storey first so this is Animal Town Animal town! Shrrrrrek yourrr look newww speachs newwwww speachs, shrrrrrrek so the Animal Town you ask about ask about! This town has animals sherrrek instaid of humans humans! Their are munkys, chipmunks sand sharks, pieps, aps eagles (that’s what jaxon is), and lions and lots of other stuff other stuff. Ok rrrrok thats allllllllllllll enjoy.

The Balloon Race

This week we have used a picture as motivation for our writing. We had a story starter and then we had to carry on the story. What I like about my writing is writing I need to improve on  fullstots We also made a google draw showing the things that we would take with us in our hot air balloon.

After all the months of preparation and building excitement the big day had finally arrived. In unison, the balloons all took off into the air, leaving the cheering crowd far below, gasping at the magnificent spectacle.
A difficult journey lay ahead, and surely not all of the balloons would make it, but they had to try – the prize of $1,000,000 for the first crew to make it around the world was a great incentive…
So we’re in the air the two men soaring in the sky. “The more air we gain, the less we’ll have to worry about,” said John. “But the longer to fall,” mumbled Radergas. Still John had a point and plus, John had the most experience with flying as he was the first one to fly to the moon and he still flies planes.
With John’s knowledge and Radergas’ determination they were making it far past the other balloons, so they decided to stop at the Statue Of Liberty, the first landmark on the list.
It was about a days flying and they would make it by the afternoon. So after a long session of telling each other off and complaining about a variety of things from time to time, they had finally made it the Statue Of Liberty towering above them they slowly descended to a bit of grass that was meant for the balloons to land on.
After ten minutes, they had something to eat, went to the toilet, and grabbed the landmark piece of wood that proved they had been their. They set off again as the sun came down. They planned a route and decided that John should do the first night and Radergas would do the next.
As the week passed, they became faster and faster, and more and more use to each other but the real adventure is crossing the whole world. They mistake the St Basil's cathedral for St Basil's castle and called it the Castle of Herbs.
They thought they had to climb to the great sphinx of Giza and then found out that is was just on the back and as they flew past the Giza pyramids they scraped on the bottom of one.
When they got to the little mermaid, they swam out to the rock and the post had washed away so they used a giant cat's eye shell to make proof.
At The Palace of Versailles, they found that the post was the treasure of a treasure hunt so they had to do it.
At Taj Mahal they wasted a lot of time because they weren't allowed to get the post until they pronounced its name right.
Next was Machu Picchu where they could not figure out where to land then there was Big Ben, that's when they found out that their cell phones had the wrong time (or the other way around).
Next is Burj Al Arab. Radergas had to go down on a ladder to retrieve the post. When they left Acropolis of Athens the balloon fire nearly ran out.

At Stonehenge, one of the rocks nearly fell on top of them. They decided to skip St. Peter’s Basilica because it was too crumbled to oblivion.