
Friday 10 November 2017

Vaseline Saucer

We made vaseline saucers for pet day. We brought in flowers then the teacher got a plastic plate and spread vaseline all over it. Once that was done we had to stick on the flowers that we brought. This is mine.

On pet day there was a parade of all the animals and their owners. After the parade the seniors set up lots of games, it was lots of fun. I loved it.

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Garden To Table

We are doing Garden To Table. It's a system where we sometimes are in the kitchen and sometimes we go to the garden. First we get divided in half and every Friday we swap jobs.


Here is my hand writing  term 3 I  am good at forming my letters. 

Saturday 4 November 2017

Hot Air Balloon art

For art we created hot air balloons we used pastel for the background we used dry and black PVA glue for the balloon. We weaved the basket. My favorite part was doing the PVA.